ABQ CO2 Pledge

Download the printable form

Download a printable ABQ CO2 Pledge

Download the PDF of the pledge, print it out, check the items to pledge to, and attach it to your fridge. Bring it with you to our monthly gatherings to share with your potluck neighbors on your progress.


At the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, COP 21, over 190 countries were involved in the agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels.

Representative from New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light Sr. Joan Brown presented the names of thousands who took the Paris Pledge – people and groups committing to 50% reductions in global warming pollution by 2030, towards a goal of being carbon neutral by 2050.

Here in Albuquerque, we want to see local change, so members of the Transition ABQ group developed the Albuquerque CO2 Pledge, made up of simple suggestions to change your life and habits to reduce your carbon footprint.